Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stable is the word of the day

Just as I had planned, my CT scan showed that my lung cancer has remained stable.  I never doubted it.  I've been having a lot of pain on my left side so I asked them to look closely for a broken rib or something that could be causing this pain.  It appears that the lining to my lung (the pleura) is being irritated by my lung cancer and there isn't much we can do about it.  I'm ok with that.  It's always the unknown that I don't like.

Chemo went well, I got a vitamin B-12 shot for more energy (I get one every 9 weeks with this type of chemo) and I'm just a little extra tired tonight but that's nothing unusual. 

3 more weeks until I need to go back to the doctor's office (unless the fever comes back).  I'm feeling positive about this kind of chemo.  Very few side effects and it's keeping everything stable, and making my brain tumors better.  Sounds like a winning combination to me.

Love you more,
Big Dreamer Dor


  1. It's amazing how much brighter my day got, knowing that you are continuing to get good news with this chemo treatment you are on! You are so special and important to me! Keep fighting Dor! You make us all stronger! Love you!

  2. Doreen,
    I came across your blog through a friends blog and find it amazing!! My mom also has non-small cell lung cancer and is also in stage 4. She was diagnosed in August of 2006 and is still fighting it!! She has a cat scan today. Keep the fight going!!
    Take care,

  3. yahoo i hope it keeps the same or shrinks

  4. Hi Doreen,
    Love hearing that good news for you..keeping you in my thoughts always.

    Love Beccy

  5. Stable rocks!!!

    Love Linda

  6. Happy Birthday Doreen!

    Hope you enjoy our day. I will be thinking of you all day.

    Love, Sheryl

  7. Updates. We need updates!

  8. I am on board with anonymous above. We need updates!! The 'Doreen Nation' needs to hear how you and your family are - we worry!!

  9. Ditto - we need to know you are ok, we care and love you and feel we are part of your family (well I'am)but I speak for all the others :) Hope you are out having too much to be thinking about your blog!

  10. Oopsie - I forgot the most important word in my posting - too much FUN to be thinking about your blog! there thats better!
